01782 922121 or 07854 288547 mail@secretskinandlaserclinic.co.uk

The word Collagen is used time and time again when talking about facial skincare. Skin clinics talk about the need to promote collagen to aid a more youthful appearance as the years creep upon us all. However how many people actually understand what collagen is and at what age do they need to start looking at treatments. This can be a very complex issue as there are many treatments available in a lot of different forms. For the purpose of this blog we will discuss what collagen actually is, how collagen works within the skin and the use of laser skin tightening to boost the body’s production of collagen. Please note that this is just one treatment and the treatment we offer a Vogue Skin Clinic therefore the reason for this article.

The word collagen comes from the Greek Kolia which means glue. It is a protein that connects and supports the skin, it gives a firmness and elasticity to skin that keeps it looking younger. You will notice on young people that there skin has a plump and smooth appearance. It is a wrinkle preventing protein that occurs naturally in our bodies and makes up around 30% of the protein found in the human body.Collagen forms a fibrous network in the dermis of the skin giving it support and elasticity.

From the age of 28 the fibres that produce collagen start to hibernate and the aging process begins. However this is not noticeable as the hibernation is a slow process and the body continues to produce collagen. When we reach around the age of 40 this production slows down rapidly and by the age of 60 the decline in production is has a marked reduction. A lot of people start to notice a change in there skin around the age of 40 and many want to reverse this effect and have treatments that can boost collagen production and give them a more supple and smooth skin.

Laser Skin tightening is just one treatment that that can boost collagen production. It is a new and effective treatment which smooths out fine lines and sagging skin.It is a non invasive procedure with no down time, which means you can have this treatment in your lunch hour, apply your make up and go back to work. It works by using a near infrared technology (NIR). The laser uses safe infrared light to heat up the water content in the tissue deep below the skins surface allowing collagen fibres to contract and tighten.

You will be asked to lay on a couch and asked wear protective eye wear. The treatment will take around 30 minutes, a hand piece will will passed over the area being treated until the dermis has warmed to between 39-41 degrees. The nurse will check the temperature of the skin by using an infrared thermometer and once the skin has reached this temperature the process of collagen boosting begins.The treatment is pain free and feels like a hot stones message and many clients state that the procedure is very relaxing. We find that many are too relaxed and do not want to get up after treatment.

We recommend a course of 6 treatments and many people notice a positive difference to there skin after one session. The treatments can be carried out every 2 to 3 weeks. Collagen continues to develop after the course is completed and results can last up to 12 months.Due to the aging process we do recommend tops ups once or twice a year to continue to maintain the reproduction of collagen. This treatment is carried out on the face, neck and decolletage.

We hope you have found this article answers any questions you may have regarding laser skin tightening with ‘The Soprano Ice Platinum’. If you have any further questions do not hesitate to contact us via our contacts page.

Roma (Dir/RMN) & Deby(Dir/RMN)