01782 922121 or 07854 288547 mail@secretskinandlaserclinic.co.uk

Protecting Your Skin All Year Round

At Secret Skin and Laser Clinic we believe that protecting the skin from further damage is the most important aspect of maintaining your skin. Ultraviolet UV rays can damage the skin. UVB rays from the sun can damage the epidermis (outer layers of the skin) which can...

Why has our name changed ?

We have changed our name from Vogue Skin Clinic to Secret Skin & Laser Clinic due to objections from Vogue magazine. This name change does not affect anything other aspect of our business. The staff are the same and the we continue to offer the same amazing...

Collagen and Laser Skin Tightening

The word Collagen is used time and time again when talking about facial skincare. Skin clinics talk about the need to promote collagen to aid a more youthful appearance as the years creep upon us all. However how many people actually understand what collagen is and at...